Saturday, March 2, 2019

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by KobraOne of the main...

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

Brand Identity for Veikko Kähkönen by Kobra

One of the main challenges was how to transform the conventional notebook into a more intriguing and compelling object, that would fascinate and amaze. It was also important that the book didn’t come across as a portfolio, but rather as an artistic object and introduction to Veikko Kähkönen’s work.

We took an unconventional approach, considering the subject matter, by hiding the photographs behind a “veil”, using slightly transparent paper and a Japanese binding method. This way each spread holds a hidden secret behind the pages that can be discovered, while the book still keeps its functionality.

Kobra is a designer driven creative agency. They create strong brands through research, insight and vision, delivering innovative, aesthetic and long-lasting solutions that work.

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