Sunday, February 24, 2019

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by GrisGraphic...

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Visual Identity for Lee Miller exhibition by Gris

Graphic campaign and exhibition graphics (main entrance and activities space) for “Lee Miller i el Surrealisme a la Gran Bretanya” (Lee Miller & Surrealism in Britain) exhibition, by Fundació Joan Miró Barcelona.

Concept based on London Bulletin magazines (the most influential English Surrealist periodical, where each issue published had different colour covers). The colorful palette also reflects the power of Lee Miller, a real character as a woman and an artist. This power is also transmitted through typography, featuring and playing with Lee’s name. 

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